Tattoo Artist Involved In False Dating Rumors With BTS Jungkook Finally Speaks Up

Published Categorized as Kpop

The tattoo artist in the leaked photo has finally spoken up!

After Big Hit issued a statement firmly denying that BTS Jungkook was dating a tattoo artist after photos of him hugging her from the back surfaced, she also decided to speak up.

On September 17, the tattoo artist shared this message to her instagram:

“The relationship rumors with Jungkook are absolutely untrue.

I am posting this because of the words spreading online and those who are causing misunderstandings impersonating me.

I didn’t say anything because I thought it was an obvious truth that people wouldn’t believe me, interpret my words as they wish, and that I would receive even more criticism.

Again, I would like to state that it is absolutely not true that I am dating Jungkook or that I tattooed my initials on him.

We’re only close friends, I feel very apologetic since it seems that fans were extremely hurt in addition to myself and the people around me.

I won’t say anything more.

I would just like to make it clear that I am not ignoring this.”

In addition to that, rapper Hashswan was wrongly dragged into this situation as well. Some fans believed it was him in the photo and not Jungkook, he was harassed by negative malicious comments and posted a long statement begging fans to stop harassing him. You can read about it here.

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What do you think of this situation?


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정국과의 연인관계는 절대 아닙니다. 지금 돌아다니는 말들과 저를 사칭해서 오해를 불러일으키는 상황이 안타까워서 글 올립니다. 무슨답변을 드리던 믿지않고 스스로들 마음대로 해석하고 더 심한 답글을 들을게 뻔한 사실이라서 아무 말 안하고있었습니다. 다시 말씀드리지만 정국과의 연인관계라던지 제 이니셜을 타투잉 해줬다는 말들은 절대 사실이 아닙니다. 단지 친한 친구정도이며 그것때문에 저와 주변분들이 많이 상처받고 팬분들에게도 큰 상처를 입힌것 같아서 너무 죄송합니다. 이후의 말은 하지않겠습니다. 무시가 절대 아닌것만 알아주세요.

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By Kevin Miller

My name is Kevin Miller and I am responsible for writing Kpop content on I have been a fan of Kpop since 2014 and I am a multi-stan


  1. this is so stupid……I wish idols could just say fxxk off to fans and leave their personal life alone. Companies give fans too much freedom just because they buy albums and tickets and spend so much more. No wonder idols are always depressed, they have to endure their bat sh!t crazy fans on a daily.

  2. Idols are human. They are not objects you can possess. Their job is to entertain everyone with their talents. To give joy to people. They have their own lives just like you. Give them a break! Do not be too possessive to the point that you are hurting them. Love, admire and be happy for them.

  3. If the K-Pop industry or the Korean entertainment ministry continues letting this happen, more and more idols are going to become victims of depression, social stigma and suicide. Haven’t enough people died and pleaded already? What will it take for these crazy people to stop? Laws SERIOUSLY need to be put up against such things.

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