TREASURE Official YouTube Channel Video Deliberately Exposed Sasaengs Who Rented Boats To Follow Them

Fans are concerned about TREASURE after this recently published video.

In the recent “Treasure Map” video uploaded to the group’s official YouTube channel, sasaengs of the YG group TREASURE have been caught on camera renting a boat to follow the group.

The video shows just how dangerous and creepy these sasaengs are and it shows them following the group members wherever they go, lurking in the background.

The staff members even added captions to the video to bring people’s attention to the issue, they also didn’t blur their faces in the video.

TREASURE were followed by a crowd of these sasaengs despite leaving for a deserted place in order to have more freedom, they also gave up filming due to the attention of the large sasaeng group that kept following them.

Two different boats started to follow the members filled with those sasaengs and their big cameras.

While worried about the members’ well-being, fans are praising the staff for publicly exposing those sasaengs, many wish for YG to take strict legal action against them soon.

Source: (A)

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