GOT7 Jackson Wins Lawsuit Against Netizen Who Defamed His Character, Does This With Money Compensated

GOT7 Jackson has been on the receiving end of severe defamatory posts that insulted him and labeled him with derogatory terms, an anti-fan had posted those to her Weibo page.

The posts she wrote were ruled to be extremely malicious in nature; they contained disparaging remarks that are aimed to insult and taint his character in front of the public.

The case was heard at the Beijing Haidian People’s Court on March 16 and the court ruled in Jackson’s favor.  A Twitter account dedicated to Jackson Wang’s news translated the court ruling that was announced by the law firm representing Jackson.

The court ruled that the defendant apologizes and compensate for the emotional loss and distress caused by her post. She has to write an apology through the Weibo account she made the remarks on and compensate Jackson for a total of approx. $9000.

It was also reported that Jackson has decided to donate the compensated money to charity as his purpose of the lawsuit was to protect his character not to gain any monetary compensation.

Jackson’s actions and approach towards the lawsuit is making fans love him even more. iGOT7s are happy the court ruled in his favor and happy to hear that the money will be donated to a charity that could use it well.

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Source: (A)

My Personal Thoughts

WOW! Chinese laws around defamation and libel are wayyy stricter than Korea’s.

I have a little bit of knowledge about defamation laws in Korea and now reading about Chinese laws, they differ a lot.

I don’t dislike such laws but at the same time I don’t like them a lot because I feel like they can be used by influential bad people to suppress criticism and freedom of speech. It’s a grey area that’s difficult to navigate so I don’t know if I like those laws or nt.

I can’t outright say these laws are suppressive in nature because in Asian countries such posts can literally ruin lives, and I think these defamation laws were born to protect people from irreparable damage because some just can’t comprehend well enough not to write useless unnecessary comments.

It serves that anti fan right, I mean what did she exactly expect? With such strict laws, I’d be very careful before I open my mouth. While I am all in for critique of an idol’s work (songs, dramas), slandering his name and spreading false rumors is NOT right.

I hope this teaches her a lesson and everyone else who’s thinking of doing something similar to this.

I respect Jackson, he’s an amazing man and I am happy to hear that this money will be donated to charity.

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One Comment

  1. its so funny these people keep messings other lifes and other issues which may not concern them! jackson has nothing to do to that whoever did this to him and yet that person bugged jackson in the end her / his lost.. lesson mind your own business!

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