EXO Chen Shocks Fans With Sudden Military Enlistment Announcement This October

EXO Chen will enlist very soon!

On October 16, Chen posted a handwritten letter to fans to announce his plans for enlistment; fans were shocked to learn that he’s enlisting this month.

Chen will enlist on October 26 and will be the fourth member of EXO to fulfill his mandatory military service, following Xiumin, D.O., and Suho.

Chen’s letter reads as follows:

“Hello, this is Chen. Hope you’re all doing well and staying healthy these days when there is a big gap between the daily weather temperatures.

Summer heat has passed, and in the blink of an eye, its already autumn. The reason I am writing to you all today is to let you know that I am enlisting in the military on October 26 and wanted to at least say goodbye through this letter.

While serving the military, I will do my best to fulfill my duties in good physical and mental health so I can show you my growth and improvement when I return to greet you again.

In that time, I hope that all of you will always stay as beautiful and healthy as you are now I’m always grateful to you, and I love you.”

Chen recently released a digital single called “Hello” which has become his last release before his military enlistment.

Wishing Chen all the best during his upcoming service!

Source: (A)

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