Netflix’s “The Fabulous” Ending Explained- Episode 8 Recap
Netflix’s “The Fabulous” has been released earlier today, here is a recap of its finale episode.
“The Fabulous” episode 8 recap
Ji Eun and the rest of the group gather at Joseph’s place to celebrate but he’s locked in his room regarding the upcoming launch of Earlain J, he comes out of his room and with a huge speaker present an idea for the launching show.
Back at the company, Ji Eun and her boss give a speech to employees ahead of the show. Meanwhile Woo Min is at the studio, his sunbae suggest he stays there and continue to work in the industry, but he says he wants to leave overseas and work as a street photographer instead, he later tells Ji Eun that, she’s very excited for him and supports him all the way.
Do-Young gets through the audition and happily tells Woo Min the news, he also introduces his girlfriend.
On the next day, Sun Ho is doing a photo shoot but a photographer disses the rookie models next to her, she ends up standing up for them, and her documentary director spills coffee on him deliberately and lets him know he’s being recorded and should watch his mouth.
On the day of the press conference Joseph disappears due to fear of the collection tanking, Ji Eun shows up to give him support and goes with plan B in order to mitigate the losses. The four friends later come by to cheer Joseph up, he feels energetic after their encouragement and goes up to finish work.
On the day of the collection finally making its debut, everybody is on high alert, and everyone who is important is there too.
On her way to get things done at the location, she runs into her ex-boyfriend and they exchange a friendly chat, and she tells him she’s comfortable seeing him often soon as the business ramps up.
Right before the show is about to start, Joseph wants to put the finishing touches on the final dress and they decide to put Woo Min to host the opening, he goes out with the same big speakers and they play a recording of the four friends talking about their dreams. The show is a success and everyone loves the dresses.
After the show, the friends party so hard with everyone else who attended. The next day, everyone is waiting outside hammered when Joseph’s mom shows up in a bus.
Before they go on, Joseph wakes up a man, presumably a model and they exchange looks, they sit together on the bus and he asks him to follow him on Instagram.
When the store opens, Joseph is shocked to see people lining up to buy his collection. Meanwhile, Seon-Ho meets Hye Na and tells her to come with her overseas to pursue her dreams. Its also revealed that Seon Ho is now dating her documentary director.
Have you seen “The Fabulous” yet? Do you like the ending?