Ryu Jun Yeol Addresses The Immense Backlash Over Relationship With Han So Hee And Why He Didn’t Speak Up In Recent Interview

Published Categorized as K-Dramas and K-Movies

Actor Ryu Jun Yeol has addressed his short-lived relationship with Han So Hee candidly in a recent interview, here is what he said!

On the 23rd of May, at a cafe in Seoul, Ryu Jun Yeol, who stars in the Netflix series “The 8 Show,” shared his feelings about the past controversies in an interview.

“The 8 Show” is a story about eight individuals desperately trying to survive in a money-making game with their own objectives, and Ryu Jun Yeol plays the role of Jin-su, who lives on the third floor. During the interview, Ryu Jun Yeol recalled the production presentation for “The 8 Show,” which was his first official event since the controversies. At the time, Seoul Economic Star asked Ryu if he felt responsible for the negative impact the controversies had on promoting “The 8 Show” as a lead actor. He promised to address the issue in a later interview, avoiding specific comments at that moment.

Ryu Jun Yeol kept his promise. He addressed it in this interview and said, “I feel responsible and upset that the controversies overshadowed the press releases and promotion. I think it’s my part to handle the criticism I receive. At that time, giving such an answer was the best I could do, and I was willing to accept the criticism that came from it.”

Ryu Jun Yeol chose to remain silent during the controversy which gained immense backlash, he said, “People on the internet were sharing stories and asking about the truth, but it seemed better to accept the criticism rather than to speak up and cause more speculation. I thought carrying that burden was the best and my responsibility.”


Ryu Jun Yeol further elaborated, “I’ve never thought of it as just criticism. I believed that accepting those opinions fully would bring change within me. Whenever I heard comments about feeling betrayed, being hypocritical, or being double-faced, I reflected on where those feelings might have come from. There were moments when I reached conclusions, and I believed I needed to accept them as they were.”

He continued, “Through this experience, I’ve decided not to be greedy, not to obsess over visible things, but to focus on substance and self-reflection. As I grow older, I realized that I didn’t know as much as I thought I did. I’ll spend more time reflecting on this and working on myself.”

Ryu Jun Yeol also addressed the greenwashing accusations, admitting his mistakes and expressing his commitment to being more thoughtful and responsible in the future. He emphasized the importance of understanding and learning from his errors to become a better person and actor.

With “The 8 Show” now out, Ryu Jun Yeol has stepped back into the spotlight. He noted, “Seeing the project released after the issues, my feelings are different. I felt that talking honestly in this interview would be the best way to convey my thoughts. I realized that trying to maintain a crafted image was problematic.”

Source: (A), (B)

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