Han Ye Seul’s Hospital Releases An Official Statement Explaining Their Side of The Story
On April 20, Han Ye Seul shocked fans with a very graphic photo of her arm, she revealed that she was a victim to medical accident and revealed that the hospital is not doing the right thing, she added,
“I do not think any compensation will be comforting.”
In response, the CHA Gangnam Medical Center released an official statement, they said,
“Han Yee Seul received surgery to remove the lipoma on the 2nd. The hospital medical staff removed the lipoma of the pharynx by removing the brassiere passing area so that no surgical scar will be left, but in the process, burns occurred.
The burn site is the lower side of the left armpit. We are providing support in maximum effort for restoration through plastic surgery. Immediately after the sticking procedure was performed, some areas couldn’t be attached, thus we contacted a burn specialist to request further treatment.
The burn specialist revealed that it would be best to undergo additional treatment once the wound settles down, so the actress is currently receiving outpatient treatment.
The patient’s compensation according to the extent of the damage after the wound is treated is being discussed.”
What do you think of their explanation?
Source: (A)