Han Hyo Joo Drastic Hair Transformation Will Have You Taking A Double Look


Is that really you Han Hyo Joo?

Fans had to take a double look when Han Hyo Joo’s agency BH Entertainment posted a photo of her hair transformation to fans, fans couldn’t believe that it was their sweet unnie could transform some much with a simple haircut.

With the photo they wrote this caption, “Take a look at Hyojoo’s new hair style!”

Han Hyo Joo is seen wearing a much darker than usual makeup and is sporting a short black hair, which is very different from what the actress is usually seen with.

Harper Bazaar Korea has also shared a new photo of the actress for their October issue to their Instagram page. So it seems likely that Han Hyo Joo isn’t wearing a wig but had indeed cut her hair this short.

<하퍼스 바자 코리아>가 소개하는 10월호의 특별한 이슈✨ _ ✔️#열 한 번째 시네마 엔젤, #한효주 ✔️#갓세븐 #진영의 연기 수업 ✔️#새로운 시즌을 위한 베스트 백 & 슈즈 ✔️ #디자이너 #루비나의 아카이브 회고록 ✔️#<바자>의 카메라 앞에 선 정유미, 제시카, 손나은, 차예련, 임수정 ✔️#파운데이션의 새로운 공식 ✔️#현대 미술이 펼쳐 놓는 영감 속으로, <바자 아트> ✔️#알레산드로 미켈레가 만든 구찌 향수 _ ON THE COVER 포토그래퍼/ 홍장현 스타일리스트/ 박만현 헤어/ 김민선 메이크업/ 서희영 페인팅 아트/ 백해용 세트 스타일링/ 최서윤 패션 에디터/ 이진선 피처 에디터/ 김지선 의상/ 버버리 @burberry #octoberissue #cinemaangel #burberry

A post shared by Harper’s BAZAAR Korea 하퍼스 바자 (@harpersbazaarkorea) on

Some fans have also pointed out how similar she looks to Natalie Portman who sported a similar hair style for her movie “Leon”.

Han Hyo Joo has finished filming for her new movie “Golden Slumber” along with Kang Dong Won, the movie is set to be released later this year.

What do you think of Han Hyo Joo’s hair style?

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