BLACKPINK’s Lisa Can’t Stop Her Tears From Flowing After Fans Did This At Her Fan Meeting

Blinks couldn’t hide their love and admiration for sweet Lisa who has arrived to Jakarta for her first fan meeting.

The fan meeting was attended by many fans who wanted to show their support for the maknae of BLACKPINK who has had her first fan meeting ever in Jakarta.

The event was called “Moonshot X LISA.” After the event ended blinks had prepared a sweet surprise for Lisa that left her in tears.

Fans planned to sing “Stay” while holding a sign that says “always stay with Lisa,” the sweet project by fans left her in tears, she struggled to dry her tears as she saw how fans sang her song.

She also started singing with them as well, happy crying for the fans who took an extra step to prove their love for her and her group.

International fans were also moved by the project Thai blinks prepared, they thanked them for the way they conducted themselves during the event and for the sweet project.

Yang Hyun Suk was also impressed by the attendees, so much so that he ended up posting two videos, one video of fans singing “As If Its Your Last.” In another post he thanked the fans captioning,

“Big thanks to Thai Blinks who showed up at the Moonshot X LISA event yesterday in Bangkok, Thailand”

Check out the video below:

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