Is Park Seo Joon Dating American Actress Lauren Tsai? Agency Issues Brief Statement

Published Categorized as K-Dramas and K-Movies

Actor Park Seo Joon is rumored to be dating actress and model Lauren, who is ten years younger than him.  

Earlier, a foreign media outlet reported on the alleged romance between Park Seo Joon and Lauren Tsai, who is of Chinese-American descent. According to the report, the two have posted pictures taken at the same location, and there have been claims that the bag carried by a woman walking with Park Seo Joon during his trip to Japan is similar to Lauren’s bag. It has also been reported that Lauren is following Park Seo Joon’s close friend, Choi Woo Shik, on social media.

In response to this, the agency stated that it is difficult to confirm their personal lives beyond their official schedules. The agency representative also mentioned that Park Seo Joon has been busy recently with overseas schedules for brand events, where various artists and personnel were invited. Although it is possible that Park Seo Joon and Lauren attended the same brand event, it is difficult to confirm if they have a personal relationship.

Previously, Park Seo Joon did not comment on the dating rumors involving him and a YouTuber-singer, stating that it was impossible to confirm his personal life.

Meanwhile, Park Seo Joon is currently preparing for the release of season 2 of the Netflix series “Gyeonsang Creature.”

Source: (A)

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By Hilda Moore

Hi all, my name is Hilda and I am a huge kdrama fan, I am responsible for covering news in relation to Kdramas on My all time fav kdramas are: My Mister, Hotel Del Luna and Kill Me, Heal Me.

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