Emotional Letter HyunA Penned About Cube Entertainment Comes To Light After Her Departure From The Agency

After a month of speculations, on October 15, Cube Entertainment finally confirmed HyunA’s departure from their agency. They had previously kicked her and E’Dawn out of the agency but then retracted their statement and said they were discussing it with them.

On the same day news outlet Hyundae News released HyunA’s letter to the world. In the letter, HyunA expresses her worries and talks about how shocked she was with her previous agency Cube Entertainment.

The heartbreaking letter sheds light on her departure, she wrote,

“As you know, my only sin was working my body to the bone for Cube entertainment until now.”

She then talked about three ways she helped out Cube Entertainment, the first being she took the agency side and former founder Hong Seung Sung after leaving JYP Entertainment, the second being that she sided with Hong Seung Sung when conflict between him and the label chairman Park Choong Min arouse, and the third that she did the best she could for her label.

She also spoke about the schedules she had that were cancelled by her agency without any explanation.

She wrote,

“I don’t know what was I so guilty to death of… but all the schedules I have had been cancelled since early September. They have continued to make excuses for the past two months. I didn’t hear from them directly on September 13 when they announced they kicked me out.”

She also said that she received the notion of termination of her contract on September 16 following the general meeting of the shareholders, she said,

“But even back then, it was still silent.

There is nothing wrong I did but the hard work of sacrificing my body to the best of my ability.

If you think back on the beautiful times, I hope that this will be resolved beautifully too.”

In the letter, she also says that her image has fallen and that her blood dried up during the past two difficult months.

Fans couldn’t help but sympathize with HyunA who gave her all to the label for the past 9 years.

What do you think of her letter?

Source: (A)

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