“Night Has Come” Ending Explained- Episode 12 Recap And Review

“Night Has Come” has aired its finale today, here is a recap of its finale and its ending explained!

“Night Has Come” episode 12 recap

the episode begins with the crazy Da-Bum fighting with Jung-Won, he wants to kill her but cannot, he goes crazy, and she ends up locking him up inside the refrigerator. He says he’ll take Yeon Seo with him if he has to die, so he stabs what he thought was her, but turns out Jung-Won changed the location of her body and he stabbed another one.

being locked up inside the refrigerator, he begins to go crazy imaging his bully Kyung-Jun is up again to kill him or hurt him.

the next day, when they wake up, Jun-Hee and Yoon-Seo are told Im Eun-Chan and Choi Mi-Na have been killed and they were citizens.  

Yoon-Seo attempts to confront Jung-Won who says she must deal with Da-Bum first. When she goes to the refrigerator, she finds he’s missing. Da-Bum has gone crazy and is outside. Jun-Hee says he’ll go look for something leaving Yoon-Seo behind.

Yoon-Seo opens up her bag and sees a gift from Jung-Won, she recalls celebrating her birthday with her a while back. the gift she’s given is a USB. She opens the USB on a computer and sees computer graphics and what seems like a game and as if Jung-Won is not a real person. She begins to realize this might be real.

After that, she gets kidnapped by Da-Bum who tells the two to come on the rooftop, he tells Jung-Won to commit suicide or else he’ll kill her friend, she tries to do it and remembers he might not spare her life even if she does it. Jun-Hee comes up and tries to strangle him, he gets into a fight with him.

As Da-Bum escapes Jun-Hee’s hands, he rushes at Jung-Won to stab her but Yoon-Seo gets in front of her and gets stabbed for her. Jun-Hee interferes again and after a fight, Da-Bum is stabbed and dies.

As she’s dying, Yoon-Seo tells Jung-Won she knows who she is now, she is Se Eun. She tells her she misses her but she must stop. After Yoon-Seo dies, Jung-Won commits suicide causing a glitch in the system.

Yoon-Seo wakes up then in a huge room filled with all the students who appear to be dreaming and a big screen, two parents are there, the parents of Se eun. Se Eun’s mother asks if the pain was torturing, the students have been playing these games over and over again experiencing the same pain each time in those games. But this is the 1st time Yoon-Seo won, the mother needs to know what happened so she can fix the bug.

Then we get a flashback, Se Eun was a student at the class with all of them, Da-Bum photo shopped her face onto an AI body and then his bullies saw it and asked him to spread it, so he did. he even livestreams the fake AI, Se Eun begins to panic and is helpless, she eventually decides to commit suicide.

The parents made this game so they could punish the entire class for what they’d done. Yoon-Seo then lies and says its all her fault and she should be punished but asks for the rest to be sent home.

The father tries to convince the mother to stop this as it seems Se Eun wouldn’t have wanted this either. the mother insists otherwise. he says they should give some of them a chance, the mother panics and cries, the husband hugs her.

Then, Yoon-Seo wakes up on the bus again on that day, she sees everything is back into place but suddenly things begin to go wrong, she says, ‘no,’ as she sees Oh Jung-Won there again.

the end.

“Night Has Come” ending explained- FAQ

“Night Has Come” ending review

I knew it wasn’t real and that Oh Jung-Won had something to do with it.

I would say the idea is not bad, but not great either. It’s the type of idea that needed a bit more planning, in my opinion.

Punishing the entire class is a bit much. I think we can all agree on that.

The base idea, on paper, should work. However, the photos and videos shared were AI, so its not even her body, this is not to say its not a traumatic thing for a child to go through because it is, but its relatively less evil than if somebody had taken pictures of her body. That photoshopped live video should be, in theory, eas-ier to take care of. To track, to report and to punish.

The parents seem capable and very smart. So, Se Eun should’ve definitely reached out to her parents, if it had been dealt with badly after the parents raised hell, then I’d understand the over-reaction on their part. But for a student to go through all these motions so quickly is a bit unrealistic even with suspension of disbelief.

This sours the entire ending of the drama and the entire experience too.

Setting this aside, the parents must’ve seen that some of the kids weren’t that bad at all, so to keep them there suffering for an extended period is definitely a choice, not a wise one.

 Also, how could they have kidnapped this many kids without raising eyebrows??? some of these kids must have parents who care about them.

I wished these specifics were addressed to an extent.

I like the base idea and I’ve always felt it was a ‘game’ from the get-go, but I wished the justification behind the cruelty was less misguided and even more heartbreaking than what we’ve seen.

I think if given less episodes count and a crazier backstory, this could’ve definitely been a huge hit.

Overall, the performances were fine for the most part. The drama is A-okay, its not epic, but not horrible either. I’d say somewhere in between. It was fine.  

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