What We Learned About Byeon Woo Seok Following “You Quiz On The Block” Appearance: Previous Financial Difficulties, Horror Casting Stories, Sister’s Support And More

Published Categorized as K-Dramas and K-Movies

Actor Byeon Woo Seok from the hit drama “Lovely Runner” has shared many surprising and interesting facts about himself during his appearance on “You Quiz on the Block”! Let us go through some of what he said during his interview!

Byeon Woo Seok appeared on the May 22nd episode of tvN’s variety show “You Quiz on the Block” (hereinafter referred to as “You Quiz”) and shared his story.

 Currently experiencing a surge in popularity through the hit tvN drama “Lovely Runner,” Byeon Woo Seok said that being on “You Quiz,” considered a measure of success, felt surreal. “I had more moments of ‘Me?’ rather than waiting. Watching senior actors on this show was always inspiring, so when I heard ‘Woo Seok, you’re on You Quiz,’ I couldn’t believe it,” he said.

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that “Lovely Runner” has changed his life. Regarding the drama that creates buzz with every episode, Byeon Woo Seok shared, “No matter how late I sleep, around 3 or 4 AM, I always wake up around 7:30 AM on the day of the broadcast. The ratings come out around 8 AM. Once I wake up, I check the news for ‘Lovely Runner’ and then search for news about myself. Reading the comments on highlight videos makes my heart race, and I can’t fall back asleep. After working hard for 8 or 9 years, I feel overwhelmed and grateful for the love I’ve received.”


Byeon Woo Seok expressed gratitude towards his agency’s staff, saying, “Every day feels like a festival, but they’ve been working overtime for me. They’ve been working so hard.” The actor also revealed that his life has significantly changed since “Lovely Runner.” He said, “The number of scripts I receive has increased tenfold to twentyfold. I recently learned about this and was told that it’s true. Seeing Yoo Jae Suk twice in a week is unbelievable to me.”

Regarding his co-star Kim Hye Yoon, Byeon Woo Seok said, “Without Hye Yoon, I don’t think I could have expressed Seon Jae’s emotions as deeply. The emotions she brought on set felt genuine to me, helping me immerse myself in the character. During the early days of filming, my energy was visible, but as it waned, people noticed and called me ‘weak.’ I didn’t know how to manage my condition initially, but Hye Yoon would give me snacks and jelly. When filming in cold water during summer scenes, she would splash more cold water on herself and look into my eyes, motivating me to work harder to survive. It felt like a comrade bond, almost like what soldiers might feel, giving us deeper emotions.”

“Lovely Runner” took three years to produce. Byeon Woo Seok said, “At that time, I wasn’t well-known, so the script was offered to other actors first. I’m very grateful that it eventually came to me. It felt like a miracle. As soon as I read the script, I knew I wanted to do it. There were many challenges, but I was certain I wanted to try.”


As a former swimmer and idol vocalist, Byeon Woo Seok had a lot to learn. He said, “Stage presence doesn’t come from brief practice; it requires a lot of rehearsals. The director gave me a lot of guidance. We tried everything, recorded it, and removed anything that seemed off,” showcasing some of his practiced gestures.

Reflecting on his recent experience at the Jeonju International Film Festival, Byeon Woo Seok said, “I was surprised by the number of people who came to see me. Previously, people would recognize my height but not know who I was. This time, it was overwhelming.”

Talking about his first love, Byeon Woo Seok said, “My first love was in middle school. I had a crush on a close friend but never confessed. I kept waiting for the right moment, but I was too afraid to ruin our friendship. I thought about confessing while walking across the Cheonggyecheon Bridge but never did. If I had confessed, I would have said, ‘I see you as more than a friend, would you like to date?'”

Byeon Woo Seok credited his sister for influencing his career choice, saying, “My family is close. Even recently, my dad gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to keep receiving affectionate gestures like that. It’s important to express love to those you care about, though I still find it hard to say ‘I love you’ to my sister.”

He also opened up about his family’s financial struggles, saying, “I told my parents, ‘I will repay you. I will succeed and pay off our debts.’ They supported me, even though we had significant debts. There were times when financial issues forced us to live apart. But I was fortunate to earn some money through a modeling job and paid off their debts. Seeing my parents’ expressions was indescribable. It was the first time I saw that look on their faces. Despite thinking about what else I could have done with the money, I knew paying off their debts was the best decision. It was an unforgettable moment.”

Now in his ninth year since debuting, Byeon Woo Seok faced numerous challenges along the way. He recalled, “I was cut from projects even after script readings, which was traumatic. I received a lot of criticism and had low self-esteem. Despite enjoying modeling and acting, the environment caused me to develop camera anxiety. I questioned if this career was right for me, hearing harsh words like, ‘I don’t think you’ll make it in the next 4-5 years.’ Ironically, my breakthrough came five years later. I was determined to overcome the obstacles and prove myself, asking for any role, even minor ones, to gain experience.”


Byeon Woo Seok continued, “There were times when I couldn’t join the cast’s group activities, saying, ‘I’ll see you next time,’ which was disheartening. But those experiences made me stronger. Filming over ten projects in a year was tough, but it built my resilience.”

Offering advice to himself, Byeon Woo Seok said, “It’s just the beginning. Stay focused and work harder. We lived in a small house with a steep staircase, and I shared a room with my grandmother. Those memories make me appreciate a comfortable home. I often think about my grandmother and the time we spent together, feeling sorry for not thinking of her every day but cherishing our moments.”

Byeon Woo Seok expressed regret over not being by his grandmother’s side when she passed but believes she is watching over him. With tears in his eyes, he said, “Living this changed life, I think more about doing well in my next project and showing my best to people. I’m deeply grateful to Seon Jae, who came to me after three years. It’s an honor to play a character I love so much. Reading the script for the 16 episodes made me emotional, knowing it was the end. It was a unique experience, making me realize this is just the beginning. I want to match the love I’ve received with even better performances, feeling a renewed sense of ambition. It’s a new start.”

Source: A

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