P-Nation Expresses Condolences In Response To The Sudden Tragic Death Of A Venue Staff Worker

P-Nation has released a statement responding to the news of the tragic death of a worker at the venue where PSY’s “Summer Swag 2022” was held in Gangwon Province.

On July 31, multiple media outlets reported that a Mongolian man in his 20s fell 20 meters (around 22 yards) while he was working on removing a light tower that had been installed for the stadium show that happened the prior day.

In response, P-Nation issued a statement, they said,

“We express our sincerest condolences to the deceased who died in the accident. In addition, we would like to express our deep condolences to the bereaved families.

The accident is all the more heartbreaking because P-nation is so aware of the efforts of the staff who sweat behind the scenes. We will do our best to take care of the last path of the deceased. In addition, we will take a responsible attitude and come up with countermeasures and prevent recurrence to prevent this from happening anymore.”

P-nation also said the Mongolian man in his 20s was hired by a subcontractor to produce stage structures.

May his soul rest in peace.

Source: (A)

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One Comment

  1. Omg! Please take care of the people behind hese concerts! Condolence to the bereaved family! Praying for his soul and his family! Take Care everyone!

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