
Mblaq’s G.O Personally Confirms He’s Dating Choi Ye Seul

On January 2nd, various news reports claimed that Mblaq’s G.O and actress Choi Ye Seul have been dating for five months. It was reported that Mblaq’s G.O is actually quiet close to actress Choi Ye Seul’s family, he sees them frequently.

Choi Ye Seul is best known for he roles in “Angry Mom” and “My Mom,” she has been away from the spotlight for a while, while Mblaq’s G.O is currently fulfilling his mandatory military service requirement, he had enlisted back in February 2016.

According to various reports, the couple enjoy going out on dates whenever they can see each other and had even travelled to Japan back in November 2017, and had also spent their Christmas together.

After the various reports swept the internet, Mblaq’s G.O agency released a statement, they said,

“Its hard to confirm because it’s a private matter.”

While Choi Ye Seul’s previous agency has stated that the actress has left them some time last year, thus they’re not in directed contact with her. She had expressed that she no longer wanted to pursue an acting career. The agency affirmed that they can’t confirm or deny the relationship.

Later, Mblaq’s G.O took to his Instagram account to confirm the news himself. In his personal letter he revealed that he was planning on revealing the news himself in the near future, he joked around that he hated the picture they used of him when covering the news.

안녕하세요 지오입니다. 무술년 새해 복 많이 받으세요! 오늘 아침 반가운 이름들이 실검에 올랐네요 가까운 미래에 직접 말씀드리려 했기에 기사가 먼저 나간것이 아쉽기도 했지만 기쁜소식이라 생각합니다. 사실 가장 아쉬운건 제 사진입니다. 진짜 못났네요.. 큰 명성을 얻거나 원하는 만큼의 성과를 이뤄내진 못했지만 2007년 데뷔 후 10년이 넘는 시간동안 활동 해 오며 많은 일들을 겪었습니다. 그 중 절실히 느낀 것은 진짜 내 사람을 곁에 두기가 참 어렵다는거였어요. 일, 사랑, 친구 모든면에서 필요한 사람이 되어야 한다는 강박감이 들었고, 원초적인 저의 모습을 인정해주는 사람은 극히 드물었습니다. 그렇게 지내오다 가장 평범한 저의 모습으로 살아갈 때 인연이 된 사람이 최예슬입니다. 많은 것을 인정해주고 배려해주는 사람입니다. 저는 정말 행복합니다. 이 행복은 저를 사랑해주시는 분들께 해피바이러스가 되어 전해지리라 믿습니다. 나이가 이젠 어른이구나 해도 실수는 끊이질 않더라고요.. 제가 때로는 성숙하지못하고 부족해도 그냥 쟤는 저런 애구나 하고 너그럽게 이해해주셔요. 두서 없는 글 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 축하 해 주시는 분들께 진심으로 감사드립니다. 새해 복 많이 받으시고 건강하세요!

A post shared by 지오 G.O (@jung_g_o) on

He went on to explain that actress Choi Ye Seul has accepted him and loved him for the way he is, he thanked fans who congratulated him, and asked for their understanding of his actions.

Congratulations to the happy couple~

Sources: (A), (B)

My Reaction

I am happy for G.O, I am happy he found love! I am glad that someone by his side appreciates him for the way he is, its nice to see him write such happy words.

I haven’t seen any dramas of Choi Ye Seul, it seems like she left acting for good. I wish the couple happiness. I am happy that they both found happiness in each other! What a great start to 2018~[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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