Famous First Generation Kpop Idol Shocking Post-idol life struggles, Reveals His Life As A Deliveryman

Published Categorized as Kpop

First Generation Kpop Idol Kim Hyung Jun from Taesaja made headlines everywhere in South Korea following his decision to open up about his second life as a deliveryman.

He posted a picture of himself to Instagram and the caption is warming netizens hearts. He explained that he doesn’t have enough time to take pictures while working as a courier.

He had previously made an appearance on November 29 episode of “Sugar Man 3” where he stated he works as a courier.

He addressed fans’ concerns about his health, he says he’s having fun and living hard and it’s not true that he was running a business and it failed, and it’s also not true that he’s doing it as a hobby. Many netizens hardly believed such a popular former idol would turn out like this.

He also opened up about the difficult times he went through last year and how they shaped him, he says he had a difficult time mentally last year, but since he began working as a deliveryman he became brighter. He also added that he lost weight due to his job and has been doing so in preparation for his appearance “Sugar Man 3.”

He closed his post with an encouraging message; he says looking at people who leave at dawn to work encourages him to also work hard at life,

“It’s been a meaningful 2019.”

After his post, many news outlets covered his story and it went viral. People emphasized with him and sent him encouraging messages; he garnered positive support from netizens.


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By Kevin Miller

My name is Kevin Miller and I am responsible for writing Kpop content on Jazminemedia.com~ I have been a fan of Kpop since 2014 and I am a multi-stan

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