EXO Baekhyun Reveals Hypothyroidism Is The Reason Why He’s Enlisting As A Public Service Worker + Thanks Dispatch For Their Report


Fans have found out that EXO Baekhyun has been suffering from long-term health issues recently.

A couple of days ago, SM confirmed that Baekhyun will enlist on his birthday May 6, the idol himself also posted to tell fans himself about the news. He is a 92-liner [born in 1992] and according to military rules, must enlist this year.

On April 2, Dispatch exclusively reported that Baekhyun will serve as a public service worker. He had received a Grade-4 due to his hypothyroidism. In accordance with the Military Manpower Administration’s revised physical examination only Grades 1-3 are qualified for active service.

In their report, Dispatch revealed that Baekhyun had submitted to the military officials a medical certificate and his records of the past year in treatment. Grade 4 is the lowest grade that he could receive for his health condition.

While the condition usually receives Grade-3, according to a source from the Military Manpower Administration in this case a proof of medication taken for over six months can result in Grade-4.

To explain what exactly Hypothyroidism is, its a condition in which the thyroid gland under-produces key hormones and results in a slower metabolism, fatigue, weight gain, intolerance to cold, swelling,

According to the initial Dispatch report, Baekhyun has been suffering from this condition for a long time and has first learned of it in high school and has managed to power through it using medication and frequent blood tests.

Baekhyun then released an official response to the report in which he thanked Dispatch. On EXO community post, Baekhyun told fans,

“The reason I have decided to reveal it now after not revealing it all those years is because there are many people asking fans why I will serve as a public service worker, there are also people who are curious about it and some people are asking ‘isn’t that a case of preferential treatment?’ Thus, I am revealing it.

I am thankful to Dispatch for that. You asked me so I answered. The reason I haven’t revealed it so far is the prejudice that could arise or if I am too tired [speculation if its related to this].”

In his post, he recalls his past and how the 20 year old Baekhyun wanted to debut as an idol no matter what it takes and how hard it was, he kept a promise to himself and wanted to fulfill it. Despite the obstacles he says he was able to achieve it. He finishes his post asking fans not to worry about him too much.

Baekhyun will be enlisting on May 6.

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