[BREAKING] FTISLAND’s Minhwan Is Getting Married To Former LABOUM Member Yulhee


On January 4, FTISLAND’s drummer and youngest member Minhwan shocked his fans when he announced he’s getting married to his girlfriend Yulhee, a former LABOUM member.

He took to Instagram to officially announce the news himself, he said,

“Hello, this is Choi Minhwan.

I am writing this letter so I can share the news with you first officially.”

He explained how he found true love with his girlfriend and how they relied on each other for emotional support, he added,

“I made a big decision in my life which was to get married and I felt a lot of gratitude when many people sent me congratulatory messages. It also makes me feel again that there are many people I need to be thankful for.

When I talked to my family-like members about my decision, they all sincerely congratulated me, our friendship had developed to be able to discuss a different kind of future.

I do not know how to give it back to you .. But above all, I am deeply grateful to all of you who are people I can be thankful for.

I will never forget my gratitude towards you who have walked along with me for more than 10 years as always.

I will work hard and give back earnestly and sincerely with music. Thank you very much.”

안녕하세요, 최민환입니다. 프리 여러분들께.. 공식적으로 가장 먼저 말씀드리고 싶은 소식이 있어서 편지를 쓰게 되었습니다. 여러분들이 제 마음을 어떻게 받아들일지 많은 생각과 걱정을 했고 오랜 고민끝에 제 진심을 전해드리기로 마음먹게 됐습니다. 힘든일도 많았지만 서로를 믿고 의지하며 지내온 여자친구와 사랑에 대한 확신으로 그 결실을 맺으려고 합니다. 결혼이라는 저의 인생에 있어서 큰결정을 내리고 많은 분들의 축하속에서 고마움을 많이 느꼈습니다. 또한 제가 감사해야할 사람들이 얼마나 많은지 다시 한번 느끼게됐습니다. 데뷔전부터 지금까지 곁에서 늘 함께하고 있는 가족같은 멤버들에게 이소식을 이야기하였을때 모두 진심으로 축하해주었고 또 다른 미래를 이야기할수있는 새로운 사이가 되었습니다. 어떻게 보답을 해드려야할지 모르겠지만.. 무엇보다 제가 감사드릴수있는 존재가 되어주신 여러분들께 진심으로 고마운 마음을 전합니다. 10년이 넘는 활동내내 저와 함께 걸어가주시는 여러분들께 지금까지 그랬듯 항상 감사한 마음 잊지 않겠습니다. 저는 지금 이자리에서 다시 또 열심히 성실하게 음악으로 보답하겠습니다. 정말 감사합니다.

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Later his agency confirmed his statement, further details shall be revealed at a later stage.

After the news spread, various news outlets reported that the couple has been preparing for marriage since late 2017 because Yulhee is pregnant, this sparked many rumors and theories.

A source from Yulhee’s previous agency Global H Media stated,

“We terminated our contract with Yulhee because she didn’t want to be a part of the entertainment industry anymore. When she left the group, she didn’t mention anything about marriage or pregnancy, her manager didn’t know she was engaged either.”

While a source from FNC Entertainment, Minhwan’s agency revealed that they’re currently checking with Minhwan, they were very careful about releasing statements since it has to do with the couple’s private lives.

Yulhee had terminated her contract with her agency back in November last year. The two have confirmed they were dating in September last year.

Congratulations to the happy couple!

Source: (A), (B)

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