Ku Hye Sun Accuses Her Agency Of Handing Messages To Dispatch, Says The CEO Still Hasn’t Cancelled Her Contract

Published Categorized as K-Dramas and K-Movies

Ku Hye Sun has revealed more texts on Instagram!

On October 7, Ku Hye Sun shared two screenshots of messages between her the CEO of HB Entertainment. In the messages, she repeatedly asked her to cancel her contract to no avail, the CEO didn’t respond even once.

She captioned the post with,

“These are texts from August and it’s already October. The company’s involvement in Ahn Jae Hyun’s divorce has damaged my credibility in them. Ahn Jae-hyun and the CEO badmouthed me in Kakaotalk, which wasn’t in Dispatch Forensics texts, and I recorded what Ahn Jae Hyun and I talked about and submitted it to the court.

I’m currently working alone without management help. Why did Ahn Jae-hyun help me join this company two months ago? I wonder. We’re a couple who exchanged texts for two years, but the agency picked out a few and rearranged them to be in their favor, and reported to Dispatch, which is strange because HB Entertainment is my company as well. HB Entertainment, which violated the actor’s personal rights, is advised to terminate the contract as soon as possible.”

Previously, Dispatch had released text conversations of Ku Hye Sun and Ahn Jae Hyun, the exact source of those damming text was never brought up, Ku Hye Sun is basically accusing HB Entertainment of handing over her texts with her husband to Dispatch to release. Since the texts were released, the general Korean public turned their backs on Ku Hye Sun.

In the first screenshot, Ku Hye Sun tells the president that she doesn’t think that she and Ahn Jae Hyun should stay in the same company considering the current situation,

“The director told me that you will end the contract, its only right that we figure this out ourselves as a married couple, and I don’t want him to hide behind you like a coward.

I’m going to leave the company and face up against the person named Ahn Jae Hyun. I’m sorry for the trouble. I’d be grateful if you terminate my contract.”

In the second screenshots, she continues to plead with the CEO to cancel her contract,

“You said you’d cancel my contract first, so why are not doing it? You said it was uncomfortable for two actors you said should divorce to remain in your agency. You’re not replying to me. Please take care of this matter efficiently.”


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이건 팔월에 보낸 문자이고 벌써 시월이네요. 회사가 안재현씨의 이혼에 관여하면서 저와는 신뢰가 훼손된 상태였습니다. 안재현씨와 대표님이 저의 험담을 나눈 내용은 디스패치 포렌식 문자가 아닌 카톡에 있었으며 저와 안재현씨가 이 부분에 대해 나눈 내용을 제가 녹취하여 법원에 제출했습니다. 현재 매니지먼트의 도움없이 저는 혼자 일을하고 있는데요. 이럴거면 2개월전 안재현씨는 저를 왜 이 회사에 영입되도록 도움을 준것일까요. 의문이 듭니다. 2년동안 무수한 문자를 나눈 부부인데 달랑 몇개를 골라내어 본인에게 유리하도록 재편집하고 디스패치에 보도한 안재현씨의 회사는 이상하게도 저와 같은 회사인 HB엔터테이먼트 입니다. 배우의 인격권을 침해한 HB엔터테인먼트는 조속히 계약해지를 해주시길 바랍니다.

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By Hilda Moore

Hi all, my name is Hilda and I am a huge kdrama fan, I am responsible for covering news in relation to Kdramas on jazminemedia.com~ My all time fav kdramas are: My Mister, Hotel Del Luna and Kill Me, Heal Me.

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