Answering The Internet’s Questions About Kim Jae Wook: Wife, Previous Girlfriends, Relationships And More

Kim Jae Wook is one of the most popular Korean actors, since he’s a very private person, here are some interesting facts about him you probably didn’t know about him in the form of frequently asked questions and answers!

If you have any other questions you’d like answered, please let us know in the comment section below and we’ll do our best to add asap!

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  1. Been a fan of his works. I watched few of his dramas but I loved him as a villain in “Voice”. I think actors/actresses who can embody their roles are the best. At one point, his character scared the hell out of me but it only means that he really is an effective artist. I don’t his likes or dislikes so I don’t consider myself a superfan but I loved his works.

  2. Fascinasting to play a baddie so well you find you’ve scared people away from watching a drama. Kim Jae wook has always been magnetic, in a way that is able to be more than comfortable (but always amazing). When I saw him in Her Private Life I was like “Who is this guy, where has he been hiding? And wow- call for cardiac assistance, my heart just exploded,”.

    Then I got the pleasure of connecting him to the young Japanese Morean guy in Coffee Prince, and exploring all his other compellingly dangerous characters.

    The variety interview with Jo Junk Suk is a hilarious rivalry and kinda sexy. Kim Jae Wooks is unexpectedly romantic on the piano which cracks the men up.

  3. Fans of him since Coffee Prince. He is versatile actor. He is anti mainstream. He is SUPER HOT. Any clothes and any hairstyles suit him. Every things he does, he does it sexily. His voice will give you eargasm .

    1. It’s my first time watching his work! He is so cool as Ryan Gold in the beginning of Her Private Life but he turn to be so sweet and charming in the later part of the drama. Love his work and appreciate his acting skills. Will continue to see his other production :))

  4. Just know him recently with his new comedy drama series Crazy Love…. I ‘ve gotten hypnotized with his charm I was Not a person who like Korean drama…watched this show and he is the first Asian actor I am having crush with ❤

  5. HELLO from India. Firstly, congratulations on writing an amazing article. Reading this in. 2022 after recently watching ‘ Coffee Prince’. I am sad and happy at the same time that I discovered Kim Jae Wook so late but atleast I did. Although a side role, he had his own charisma in the Drama and in his screen time he shone like anything. Not just about his handsome face but tiny nuances of acting and expressions that I fell inove with. Too surprising he got a lead role so late in 2019. Currently watching ‘Her Private Life’ on Viki Rakuten and let me tell you that the comment section is on fire which shows how Amazing he is an actor. Whether it’s a serious role or a goofy or romantic one, he kills it all. I hope his Management company gets him more roles. Not sure why he has only 1 Million Followers on insta. Anyway love your article… please write more about him. Thankyou

  6. I have watched everything he has done. The hardest one to watch was Voice and then the one about exorcism. The best film for me was Butterfly Sleep. I was a beautiful movie cinematically and theme wise with wonderful actors. I think he should try the role of a private detective like Paul Newman.

  7. Cela fait 10 mois que je regarde des films et série coréennes suite au décès d’un proche qui les regardait en boucle. Je suis tombée d’abord sur The Guest ou le rôle que jouait kim Jae wook m’a interpellée et j’ai commencé à rechercher des films et séries où il avait un rôle tellement son jeu d’acteur était fascinant et crédible. Je suis devenue fan. Que ce soit dans Coffee Prince ou il n’a qu’un second rôle (mais pour moi son charisme et son jeu d’acteur écrasaient le rôle principal tellement il était bon) Who Are You?, Voice ou Her Private Life (j’ai des frissons en me remémorant les scènes de baisers) il laisse une telle empreinte émotionnelle que l’on met des jours à s’en remettre.
    Je vous d’avoir écrit cet article pour nous donner davantage d’infos sur lui car c’est un acteur fascinant et perfectionniste cela se ressent dans son jeu d’acteur. Je lui souhaite un succès international pendant de très nombreuses années. Il le mérite. (Je suis une fan française)

  8. I have been watching Korean films and series for 10 months following the death of a loved one who watched them over and over. I first came across The Guest where the role played by Kim Jae wook appealed to me and I started looking for films and series where he had a role, his acting was so fascinating and believable. I became a fan. Whether in Coffee Prince or he only has a supporting role (but for me his charisma and his acting crushed the main role he was so good) Who Are You?, Voice or Her Private Life (I get chills remembering the kissing scenes) it leaves such an emotional imprint that it takes days to get over it. I thank you for writing this article to give us more information about him because he is a fascinating and perfectionist actor, which is reflected in his acting. I wish him international success for many, many years. He deserves it. (I’m a French fan)

  9. I am an Australian and have recently discovered Korean films on Netflix. Kim Jae-Wook is absolutely stunning in Her Private Life. He lights up the screen with understated elegance and charisma. I am hooked. His acting has subtle nuance and is utterly (swoon worthy) believable. I will look for his other performances now

  10. I thank God for Kim Jae Wook. Such a beautiful person with a beautiful voice and luxurious mannerisms. May his privacy be respected and his beautiful being stay protected and everlastingly safe from any cruel cynicism of life. For he has touched my soul‍♂️

  11. I really wish to become a young actress in Korean too and act Films with park min young , I love her vibe and I kinda have the sewaame vibe with her too. I really hope, one day to make a film with her. I love her so much

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