“Bait” Part 2 Episodes 1 And 2 Review- Finally Back! My Blood Is Boiling!!

Published Categorized as Kdrama Reviews

Bait” Part 2 is here after what felt like an eternity and it picks up exactly the same way I expected it to, stunningly gripping!

Note: this article is a first-impression review, it doesn’t mean this is the writer’s final thoughts on the drama. This is a spoiler review.

I would say this drama is definitely one of the stand-out projects of early 2023, as you guys know [if you’ve been watching kdramas for a while], the early months of the year usually do not start out amazing, and we usually take some time to pick up and watch better projects, but I’d say the drama bait has been unexpectedly amazing, beyond my expectations.

In the first half review, I said that the drama had some stunning ideas with some mixed character developments. I don’t know to what degree we’ll get to see Jang Geun Suk character developing but considering how the 1st and 2nd episode played out, the mess and the confusion that ensued, I don’t think he’ll be the focus quite yet but honestly, I am coming into terms with that.

In “Bait” part two’s 1st and 2nd episodes, we sort of start out in what seems to be a confusing continuation before we actually get back to where the story picked up.

The editing for this drama definitely stands out, I can tell a lot of effort had gone into making sure the right type of information is introduced at the right time, enough to clarify some things and tease the audience too.

The editing alone deserves awards.

Initially, I was confused but as the drama progressed, it made sense. This made me appreciate the editing even more, thats how it should be done.

I would say the 1st and 2nd episodes made my blood boil even more, and by the end of it, I was screaming, ‘HE IS ALIVE, HE IS ALIVE!!!’ I knew it, it had to be, I think it would have been a subversion of expectations if he truly turned out to be dead, but him being alive is not too shabby of an idea because it means we might actually get to see him suffer severe consequences for his horrible horrible actions.

Pyramid schemes have existed for a long long time, but each decade, they get re-invented or recycled into something that the younger generation might not be aware of, and more people get scammed in the process. 

To tell you truthfully, up until a couple of years ago, I had no idea that if somebody promised you more than 2 to 3% in profits on a yearly investment that it was a scam. I’d say I found out this information rather later than I would like to admit. I thought if you did it right you could get 12% or even up to 30%, but now that I re-think it, I see how it could be perceived to be an unequivocal lie and a scam.

I also like how it showcased how people come to get involved in those things. I understand because I’ve been in difficult situations in my life, luckily for me, I had a support system that warned me of people similar to No Sang-Cheon making empty promises, but I could definitely see why hardworking smart but struggling people would still fall for this idea.

I felt so bad for the death of Kang Jong-Hoon, he’s not the best human but he was actively trying to solve it, the way he died made my blood boil. This also means whoever did this is really high up there because otherwise, who would dare to mess with someone so high up in the police force.

With four more episodes to go, I do really hope we get a proper conclusion, if this was to happen, it’ll be very compact, just the way I like it.

“Bait” part 2 is definitely on its way to become one of my favorite underrated Korean dramas of the first half of 2023.

So, what did you guys think of the first and second episode of the second part? Let me know what you think in the comments section below.

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By Jass K.

Hi, I am Jass k. I discuss some of the hottest currently airing kdramas on this site in form of reviews an/or recaps, join me in the discussion~

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