“Queen Woo” Part 1 Ending Explained- Episode 4 Recap And Review
TVING’s newest historical drama “Queen Woo” has released its 1st part, 4 episodes, recently, this is a recap of part 1’s ending!
Note: “Queen Woo” will be released on two parts, part 1 [episode 1 to 4] was released recently, and part 2 [episodes 5 to 8] will be released on September 12.
Queen Woo episode 4 recap
The episode begins with a flashback to 18 years ago when the king, on his dying bed, revealed who the next king is.
The crown prince Pae-Eui [played by Song Jae Rim] was supposed to descend to the throne, but the king chooses Nam-Mu instead. He entrusts him to fight for the lost land and fight for whats his. The king then dies and Nam-Mu and Woo Hee are crowned the king and queen.
Bal-Gi finds out his brother is dead, he realizes he needs all the power he can get his hands on and cannot afford to lose on anyone’s help. He wants the queen but she doesn’t and he has a wife, so he cannot just abandon her to marry the queen. He’s afraid the crown prince will attempt to seize control.
Minister Eul then sends a message to Yeon Bi telling her the king is dead, thus, she prepares herself and heads to the North District.
In the forest, Mo Chi disputes whats going on and says he wants his pay or he’ll leave, the queen offers him one of her hair pins and says whatever he was promised will be doubled once they reach their destination. They’re now heading to where she used to live with the king before they got to the throne, its the place where the youngest prince now lives and protects.
Bal-Gi goes to visit his wife, he consoles her about how he was unprotective of her father when his brother, the king, almost killed them. He says he’s sorry, then he begins to have s-x with her, he then kills her with a sword.
Bal-Gi also asks for the white tigers help, he needs them to capture the queen, so they’re following them now. They also can tell someone else is following the queen.
Once his righthand man gets there, he even yells at him telling him he needs all the help he can get, he yields knowing that but as they’re fighting he kills a woman listening on, she’s from his wife’s side. The Jwa family wanted to check up on her, so he ordered all maids on her side to be killed.
Lord Myung Rim is discussing with his subjects who has a chance at becoming the king, since they’ve sent people to assassinate the queen. They devise a plan so the five clans who now govern the entire palace, can be reduced to two who will then fight for the throne.
Right then, Yeon Bi shows up and kills Lord Myung Rim because he didn’t agree to send back the assassins. Then, she forces his subjects to do so, but they say they cannot do much about it now. She then has them kneel before her or else.
In the forest, the white tigers caught up to the queen, and they’re killing the soldiers, and as the head of them is about to kill the person who is driving the carriage, she climbs up and protects him, the man decides not to kill her, and goes back instead to kill the people sent after her.
Then, she discusses with Moo Gol to not go to the dock in order to lose the people after them, they want to get to the youngest prince but have to lose those people or else they’ll get caught, this means, their trip to the youngest is now further delayed.
Since The white tigers killed the assassins, Yeon Bi is alerted so she alerts the Minister.
The minister is told the funeral clothes are ready so he prepares to go see the king.
The shaman sees something is wrong, the 4th star is gone and its now three, she foresees the death of Queen Woo’s sister, she says something is deeply wrong and she saw things wrong.
Then, we see Queen Woo looking at the throne in the forest with her hands, she holds a sword. Is she ready to fight until the end?
The end.
“Queen Woo” part 1 ending explained- FAQ
Does “Queen Woo” part 1 have a happy ending?
No, it does not. Its not complete yet, the queen is still in danger and has not been able to use levirate marriage yet.
How does “Queen Woo” part 1 end?
It ends with the shaman foreseeing something going terribly wrong, and our Queen is now seeing her throne in the forest, she has a sword and is ready to fight for the throne.
“Queen Woo” part 1 ending- review
There is a lot to talk about, I am torn between doing part 1 review or waiting until mid-September for part 2. I also have a feeling it won’t end with 8 episodes.
The drama is really good, but has some flaws too. I don’t know where to begin. I think part 1 should’ve been longer and slower. We barely understand whats happening and we’re thrown into the mix, which shouldn’t be too bad, but in our case, we have like 5 clans and a million name to recognize and memorize, so its very dizzying and not in a good way. They’re all important and we’re introduced to too many characters continuously throughout the run time. They know we’ll struggle badly, thus, their names are plastered at every scene they’re in.
“Queen Woo” part 1 alone needs to be watched at least twice and will likely need to be watched again after part 2 drops just so you could begin to understand what the creators were going for.
But even then, I think the pacing had issues.
I don’t mind fast action but I do need more context to help me feel immersed enough. if the plot is this dense, we needed more time to marinate with the story.
Also, the queen did not have kids. Which leads me to the biggest point…. so, if she cannot have kids and they want to oust her, and people back then blamed infertility on women, why does she think she’ll be safe still trying to be the queen?
She should have run away, she’s trying to also protect herself but if she marries any of the kings and still does not have a child, what protection does she have? Her original husband couldn’t provide it so why would the other be able to do so?
I would hope to find an answer in part two for this.
The other thing many are talking about, which will also be likely what will be remembered of this drama, is the nudity. The excess of nude scenes and s-x scenes.
Its not only excessive but quite unnecessary, its meant to sort of show how barbaric some of them are, but it comes off as if someone young and hungry was told they could add as many s-x scenes as they want and they couldn’t believe themselves.
If the story can be conveyed without resorting to those, I don’t understand why they should be added… also, do they even have intimacy coordinators on set?
I don’t expect the past to have been clean or what not but the inclusion of those scenes feel like its done for shock factor. but I’ll tell you this, a lot will watch simply because of it. So if this was their goal, they achieved it.
Its directed by Jung Se-Kyo who has worked as an assistant director for some movies in 2011 and has one movie from 2020 and thats it…. And apparently, this drama was meant to be a movie and then was meant to be 12 episodes but were reduced to 8 to create a sense of urgency…
I mean, if you’re spending over $20 million on the drama production and you have some of the biggest names attached to it, wouldn’t taking it slower be acceptable?
Because the fans will stay for their fav actors. I might understand if the actors were unknown but everyone here is like an A-list, so this decision is baffling.
Overall, it was well-made and very tense but had some issues here and there.I’ll likely only drop one review in mid-September because I feel we’re missing the bigger story, thus, a review would be a wrong choice at this time.
So what did you guys think of part 1?