“One Ordinary Day” Ending And Finale Explained, Is Season Two Coming Soon?
Coupang’s Play first-ever drama “One Ordinary Day” has wrapped up its run today, here is its finale recapped and the ending explained.
One Ordinary Day Ending Explained
Is Kim Hyun Soo handed a guilty verdict? Why?
Yes, Kim Hyun Soo gets handed a guilty verdict. Despite lawyer Shin’s attempts at finding the killer, he isn’t able to do it, he tries to evoke emotions and even cries as he delivers his closing remarks to the jury.
Ultimately, the jury fails to reach a decision and five of them find him not guilty. But in South Korea, the jury’s decision isn’t what determines the outcome but it’s taken into consideration.
The judge ends up handing him a life sentence based on the evidence presented. While they acknowledge there were errors in the investigation, they conclude that he’s objectively the killer and because he isn’t showing remorse or admitting to the crime, he’s handed a life imprisonment.
What happens to Do Ji-Tae?
In the early scenes of “One Ordinary Day” last episode, Du Shik calls on his boss to avenge him because he lost a fight with Hyun Soo. Hyun Soo gets dragged somewhere for a fight. Do Ji-Tae interferes and stops Hyun Soo from getting severely hurt, but Du Shik is very humiliated by the encounter and Ji Tae’s warnings.
Later in the episode, he slashes Ji Tae’s neck and he bleeds to death. A later scene after the incident sees the guard cleaning out his place and taking out the cash he’s stored among other things indicating that he’s dead. his righthand man does get his leg Injured, which isn’t explained but it can be assumed that he’s dealt with the man who killed Ji Tae.
However, near the end of the episode, we see him inside his cell smoking and reading a book, however, it could be interpreted as a hallucination by Hyun Soo, the camera pans out and the mirror doesn’t show a reflection of a face despite there being one adjacent to the wall. He died.
Does Kim Hyun Soo die in prison? Does he appeal his sentence?
No, he doesn’t die in prison but he also chooses not to appeal his sentence either. He’s unsure himself and thinks the overwhelming evidence pointed against him will lead him into a frivolous fight.
How was the identity of the real killer of Hong Gook-Hwa found?
Lawyer Shin doesn’t give up even though Hyun Soo says he won’t appeal his sentence. He continues to look for clues and chats with the stalker Yoo Seung-Hun who talks about how Gook Hwa has been around with many men, he talks about some photos he took while stalking her roommate.
Lawyer Shin is immediately triggered and seeks the truth, he gets the evidence from a police officer. After looking through the photos, he finds out Gook Hwa was having an affair with doctor Park Chan-Yul, the same man who prescribed her the medication. He was seen in and out of her residence many times before.
Turns out, Park Chan-Yul was married and Gook Hwa wanted to end things with him after she found out.
Who turns out to be Hong Gook-Hwa’s killer?
Doctor Park Chan-Yul is the actual killer. He killed Gook Hwa because he loved her but she wanted to end things with him after finding out he’s been married. He couldn’t accept that she doesn’t want to be with him.
The crime was indeed a crime of passion.
Lawyer Shin seeks out the police detective with the answers and tells him to do whatever he wants. The detective ends up opening the case again with the prosecutor, and Park Chan-Yul admits to killing Gook Hwa.
Does Kim Hyun Soo Get released from prison?
Lawyer Shin visits Hyun Soo in prison after the investigation is re-launched and tells him the killer has been caught and admitted to his crimes. He’s free to leave. They both shake hands and Hyun Soo thanks him.
Does Kim Hyun Commit suicide?
Hyun Soo leaves prison without even saying goodbye to Ji Tae which is likely because Ji Tae nearly got killed because he wanted to defend Hyun Soo.
Hyun Soo picks up the habit of smoking and goes to the rooftop, he smokes and drops a cigarette. It is not hinted that he commits suicide but he does look down to see how far does the cigarette fall. The world seems to have always been the same, but Hyun Soo has changed, he’s no longer the innocent young man he used to be and that is something that can’t ever be fixed.
“One Ordinary Day” season two coming soon with Kim Yoo Jung?
The ending scene of “One Ordinary Day” features Lawyer Shin who goes to meet a client and manages to get them out of prison. Before he leaves, he sees a woman covered in blood on her clothes, he asks if she has a lawyer and hands her his card. The woman has red eyes indicating she’s been crying and stressed, she looks at him while holding the card, the woman is played by Kim Yoo Jung.
Some fans seem to think “One Ordinary Day” season two is coming soon with a new character that lawyer Shin must defend. Coupany Play has not yet addressed fans’ questions. If the production team addresses it, this section will be updated.
“One Ordinary Day” finale- review
“One Ordinary Day” has been such a thrilling experience, truly an amazing drama from start to finish. The drama was a bit difficult to sit through sometimes because it was so intense and raw, truly a marvelous start to Coupang Play’s attempts at joining the competition.
However, I did find the “One Ordinary Day” ending a bit underwhelming in areas where I didn’t want it to be that, I wanted the killer reveal to have been more impactful and explored a bit more, but I also understand this is how it goes sometimes in real life and this wasn’t meant to be anything but that. This was Hyun Soo’s journey.
There was one question I am still curious about, the reason behind why Ji Tae defends Hyun Soo, it is never properly explained and not much is is given away about his character, would have loved to see more of him.
The performances from everyone were AMAZING. Kim Soo Hyun’s transformation was a sight to see and Cha Seung Won is just so lovable here as well.
“One Ordinary Day” is based on a BBC series which actually had two seasons so I am wondering whether there will be a second season, I would love to see it with Kim Yoo Jung.
Thank you to the entire cast and crew of “One Ordinary Day” for such an amazing drama, you all did so well.
Have you seen “One Ordinary Day” finale? What did you think of it?
The drama was incredible. I’m going to ask a ridiculous question though. Did I miss what happens with Lawyer Shin’s medical condition?
I think (Hyung) Ji tae was killed, it was just his imagination though that he was still there in his cell…what i dont know is what is the connection of lawyer shin’s skin allergy to the story…
Ji Tae defendsefended Hyun Soo, because he told him, that when he was young and went to jail being innocent, no one believed him. Hyun Soo reminded him of his younger self.
It is so disturbing especially his hygiene, arghhh
I think it showed how dedicated he was to the case.. even though he was struggling with itchiness and uncomfortable feeling most of the time, he didn’t stop seeking the truth. It was like a challenge for him and he succeeded!
I think it showed how dedicated he was to the case.. even though he was struggling with itchiness and uncomfortable feeling most of the time, he didn’t stop seeking the truth. It was like a challenge for him and he succeeded!
Ji Tae did die, his cell was empty. The camera lingered on it long enough. Hyeon Soo was just wishing he’d see him when he left.
Isn’t it funny how the main character’s name is just the actor’s name with two syllables swapped and how the actual murderer has the same name as Park Chanyeol from EXO? That cracked me up
i do feel the ending was a little bit anti climatic. because the build up on previous episodes left me wanting for more exploration
for Ji Tae connection with Hyun Soo I think because both of them were victim of wrong accusation so Ji Tae sympathizes Hyun Soo and tries to help him in the prison.
How Hyun Soo survived in the prison is well described in the drama. How he must change, and do thing he normally wouldn’t try. Smoking, tattooing, even consuming drugs.
i really want to see the ending for his attorney and his ex wife :)) because their relationship is too cute
I wish Do Ji Tae did not die
It was explained though, why Ji Tae sympathized w Hyun Soo. He was accused and convicted of assault. He was innocent, desperate, but despite his effort he failed. He said he then realized the fight is futile, cus survival is more important.