SBS Drama “Return” Resumes Filming For The First Time Since Go Hyun Jung’s Exit“Return”.jpg

The popular yet controversial SBS drama “Return” has resumed filming for the first time since Go Hyun Jung’s sudden departure.

On February 11, a source of the drama released a statement confirming that the filming of the drama resumed today, they are filming scenes that do not include lawyer Choi Ja Hye (Go Hyun Jung’s character).

Related: The Real Reason Why Go Hyun Jung Left The Popular Drama “Return” Finally Revealed

“We’re resuming filming with the rest of the cast members on the 11th of February. Its not because we have found a replacement for her character yet.”

The drama production company has been trying to find a replacement for Choi Ja Hye, actress Park Jin Hee was offered the leading role, her agency released a statement confirming that she did receive the offer but is yet to decide whether she would join or not.

Meanwhile, “Return” replaced the main character poster of the drama which featured all the characters faces with another one that only includes the title of the drama following the controversy.“Return”.jpg

Source: (A)

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