“River Where The Moon Rises” Production Company Accuses Ji Soo’s Agency Of Being Uncooperative And Urges Them To Pay Damages For The Ongoing Lawsuit
“River Where The Moon Rises” Production Company Victory Contents has stated Ji Soo’s former company KeyEast is refusing to pay compensation fees.
Due to Ji Soo’s bullying scandal, he was removed from his role in the ongoing historical drama “River Where The Moon Rises” and was replaced with another actor. Due to his controversy, the production company, staff members, and actors were forced to work harder to re-film due to his departure and this, in turn, caused huge financial and physical damages.
As a result, the production company filed a lawsuit against Ji Soo’s agency KeyEast for a compensation amount of $2.6 million.
In a newly released statement on May 26, Victory Contents claims that KeyEast has not been making any effort to take responsibility for the damages. Their first scheduled meeting for legal negotiations took place on May 20 but only one legal representative was present in their building, no one from the agency attended the meeting according to Victory Contents.
Victory Contents added,
“KeyEast had previously stated they will take action and reach an agreement with us but they’re showing a different attitude.
KeyEast is claiming that Ji Soo’s departure from the drama was a one-sided decision made by our production company and as a result, they are not responsible for a breach of contract.”
And in recent related news, on May 27, a day after the statement released by the production company, KeyEast revealed they’ve terminated their contract with Ji Soo. They’ve stated that they’ll work hard to resolve the legal issues.
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